14 years ago when I was faced with a critical decision on making a major career change, I was looking for a tool to help me get clarity around what it was I wanted to be when I grew up! I wish I knew who introduced me to the “Career Choices Self-Assessment Tool” as I would most certainly pass along credit to them. In any case, it is a fantastic exercise.
Over the past 14 years I have shared the worksheet with colleagues, clients, and friends all dealing with big decisions around their career. Some were downsized or terminated for some reason, others were frustrated in their current role and needed a change. I have even shared the tool with people going into retirement. Basically this tool helps people make critical decisions as they approach an intersection in their lives.
I have also found the “Career Choices Self-Assessment Tool” can be modified very easily to be helpful for young people. For example, I have given the tool to kids in high school transitioning into post-secondary who are struggling with where to focus their education or determine what type of career they want. In addition, young adults leaving post-secondary looking for work have also used the tool to gain clarity in their job search and assist in constructing an effective resume.
While the worksheet itself will be useful, I believe the real power is in the process of using it. I have found that people, who spend 3 or 4 hours of reflection working through the tool, and then share this with 3 or 4 key people in their lives, get powerful results.
I invite you to review the tool and consider who in your life you might share this with. It may be the nicest gift you have ever given them.